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Laparoscopy for Hiatus Hernia

Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia Repair with Laparoscopic Nissens Fundoplication (Hiatus Hernia with Gastroesophageal reflux Disease)

A laparoscopic fundoplication is a keyhole procedure to relieve chronic heartburn caused by acid traveling the wrong way into the esophagus when acid reflux is not controlled by medication and lifestyle changes. This disease is also called Hiatus Hernia with Gastroesophageal reflux. Heartburn is a burning feeling that starts from in the middle chest and moves upwards towards the neck and throat. In Hiatus Hernia, when part of the stomach slides into the chest cavity, it causes acid reflux. Consult the best hernia doctor in Dombivli for expert care and treatment.

For individuals experiencing persistent heartburn and related symptoms, consulting with the best hernia doctor in Dombivli is essential. A skilled and experienced specialist can provide expert evaluation, diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, ensuring optimal outcomes and long-term relief from acid reflux and Hiatus Hernia-related discomfort. Don’t let heartburn hold you back – seek professional care and reclaim your comfort and well-being.


Laparoscopy for Hiatus Hernia in Dombivli

Dr. Ashok Borisa is the best hernia doctor in Dombivli. He has performed numerous successful Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia repairs with laparoscopic Nissens Fundoplication, providing expert care and treatment. In this procedure, the gastroesophageal junction is dissected, the hiatus hernia is repaired with sutures/mesh, followed by a wrap at the top end of the stomach around the bottom of the esophagus to prevent reflux.

Advantages of Dr. Ashok Borisa’s Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia repairs with laparoscopic Nissens Fundoplication include:

Quick procedure, typically completed within one hour.
Short hospital stay of just 2 days, minimizing disruption to daily life.
Elimination of the need for long-term medication, providing a more sustainable solution.
Excellent results, with patients experiencing relief from symptoms and improved quality of life.
Rapid recovery, allowing patients to return to work within 3-4 days, ensuring minimal time off.


For more about Laparoscopy for Hiatus Hernia, you can reach directly to Dr Ashok Borisa at +91 9867655401